Thursday, July 14, 2011

Much Needed Update

It's been over a month since I've blogged. I don't have much of an excuse. For a while I was SO BUSY. In fact, I feel like since we moved here 8 (!!) months ago, I've been slammed and unsettled. But lately - wow, I am so bored.

After my parents left, I had about 3 weeks of Swedish for Immigrants. At the end of those 3 weeks, I took the test to get out of that level. Luckily, I passed! That was a big accomplishment. Since then, I haven't had any class! The next level doesn't begin until August 15th, so until then, my days have been open and painfully underscheduled.

In addition, my work has really dried up. My substitute personal assistant job needed me a lot in the past - unfortunately when I was busy moving and getting ready for our guests. Since I've been back, I haven't been called very much. Somehow my babysitting and cleaning jobs have also disappeared. The people who really needed me before just... don't. It's weird.

I spend my days wedding planning. For some reason, I got the bug. I think it happened one night when Dan and I were out with some people from the American Women's Club. Someone asked about my engagement ring, then asked when we were getting married. I explained a bit about the difficulty of figuring out a wedding that sounded fun, wasn't mad expensive, and also wasn't overly complicated due to our great distance from the US. The ladies had some great points of view. They reminded us to do what we want, and provided some ideas I hadn't thought about. After that Dan and I talked a lot about the direction and did some research. Details forthcoming, but I'll say we're close to choosing a venue.

The last piece of news is that I'm going back to school for a masters program in Welfare Policies and Management. It took me a LONG time to come to this decision. When I applied in December, I wasn't gung-ho on the idea. I figured if I HAD to I'd go back. I was accepted in March, and at that time I (supposedly) had decided that I wouldn't go back because I was working and had some possibilities for full-time work in the future. But as time has gone on, I've pulled a John Kerry and flopped back to wanting to go. I've reserved my place, I've told my employers (Lovisa if you're reading, I'm still laughing about that...), and I'm ready to go. What a crazy turn of events.

So I'm on a home-vacation until July 28th with Dan's parents come, then August 26th it's back to school!

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