I have been flooded with responses. The first couple days I could barely answer them all! I was shocked at the demand. I really thought I'd get zero responses, and I remember sort of praying if I could please just contribute something financially to the household I'd be so grateful. In that first week I worked about 15 hours.
At this point, I can confidently say I have 3 families I will be working for. There are other families that I have plans to meet with, and there are a lot of people who contacted me for more information but that I haven't heard from since.
It feels so good to be contributing something more concrete. I know that I help out a lot by cooking everything so that we're not paying for meals out, and that my work can allow Daniel to focus on his work. But to be able to make us even a little more comfortable means a lot.
I'm so glad you've gotten a good response and work out of this! Hurray for the club doing its job and being a good resource for a member! :)